A mattress to be
proud of...
We’re pleased to announce that for the fourth year our SleepSoul Space mattress has been endorsed as a Which? Best Buy. Not only that, our SleepSoul Heaven mattress has also been endorsed as a Which? Best Buy. Additionally, our SleepSoul Bliss has now also been awarded the Which? Best Buy.
Our SleepSoul mattresses are the result of years of innovation and research. Through many days of hard work and many nights of great sleep, we’ve developed mattresses that are long-lasting, easy to handle and softer than a marshmallow.
You’ll never wake up on the wrong side of the bed again. Our years of hard work and peaceful sleep has finally paid off as we’re extremely proud that these SleepSoul mattresses hold the Which? Best Buy award.
The mattresses are put through a number of tests and scored 5 out of 5 in all durability tests, including “change in height”, “change in body support”, “change in firmness” and many more.
The mattresses also scored highly in the overall performance category, scoring 5 out of 5 for “turning the mattress”, 4 out of 5 for “body support lying on front” & “breathability”
What is a Which? Best Buy
Which? Best Buys logos are only awarded to the very best of products in any given category. Which? tests a number of mattresses in their specialist test lab every year to simulate performance approximately over 10-years of use. They buy each mattress themselves to remain impartial, and then they conduct a series of laboratory tests to assess various factors including performance and durability.
Learn more about how Which? test mattresses here.
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